
Introduction to Workforce Development Planning for PHAB Accreditation

Started Apr 28, 2020


Full course description

Course Description:

This on-line self-study course is made up of seven modules to assist local health department staff to prepare for the Domain 8 requirements for PHAB accreditation, with a focus on the development and implementation of a workforce development plan. Course typically takes 86 minutes to complete.

The 7 modules that make up the course include:

1. Introduction to Domain 8: Maintaining a Competent Workforce (8 minutes)
2. Getting Started: Top Ten Tips for Planning (11 minutes)
3. Get to Know the Workforce Development Plan (12 minutes)
4. Setting a Vision for Workforce Development (10 minutes)
5. Training Needs: Data Gathering (21 minutes)
6. Training Needs: Curriculum Creating (12 minutes)
7. Implementing Your Workforce Development Plan (12 minutes)


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

Module 1:

  • Articulate the value of agency accreditation 
  • Describe Domain 8's standards, measures and documentation requirements 
  • Describe the benefits of workforce planning

Module 2:

  • Describe 10 tips to prepare for and approach PHAB Domain 8

Module 3:

  • Describe sections of the Ohio State University's workforce development plan template
  • Distinguish between components that are recommended versus those that are required

Module 4:

  • Establish a vision for your agency learning culture
  • Formulate your workforce development goals

Module 5:

  • Identify organizational, core and professional competencies in your agency
  • Develop and administer a process to assess training needs of your agency
  • Analyze and interpret collected data

Module 6:

  • Describe components of a curriculum plan
  • Select and track your training

Module 7:

  • Employ key strategies to implement the workforce development plan
  • Communicate, monitor and evaluate your workforce development plan

This course addresses the following Core Competencies (Links to an external site.) for Public Health Professionals: 8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.2.5


The target audience for this course is governmental public health agencies who wish to demonstrate or measure their performance against a set of national standards.

Contact Information:

Please contact us at for questions and accomodations. 

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